Sleepless Night

Last night I’ve been very bad. Yah I guess bad in the sense of not sleeping the entire night (meaning I’ve been awake now for practically more than 24 hours, and counting!). And you know why? Because I’ve been watching this series , wouldn’t wanna name it coz I know you’ll only say, you traded your sleep for that? Ok now I guess I’m that shallow. But I have my reasons for watching.

Funny coz aside from the fact that I lacked sleep today, I have to be up (I mean literally, up and moving) coz I have to go out of town to work – and there goes my favorite line for now – “I’m a working mom” you know. As much as I wanna stay in bed, I can’t, and besides I did this to myself so I have to deal with it right? So anyway since I have no way but to be up, despite feeling a little groggy today, I thought I’d look for some remedy for this feeling or whatever you wanna call it. I’ve done a little research and I think these steps are the easiest anyone can do:

1.) Drink lots of water – (and I mean LOTS!) As you know your body uses up all the water it can to sustain the night you’ve been awake, so it is no surprise that you feel ill the morning after coz you’re dehydrated. This morning when I woke up, I’ve had at least 500ml of water before doing anything first.

Ambersweet oranges, a new cold-resistant orang...

Ambersweet oranges, a new cold-resistant orange variety. USDA photo. Image Number K3644-12. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

2.) Eat citrus fruits – Not only will it give your body the vitamin C it needs, – as you know it  strengthens your immune system, which is the most affected system in our body when we are sleep deprived – you’ll also feel a lot refreshed after having a serve or two.

3.) Tea bag for the dark circles – It’s no news that you look like you can audition for “The Walking Dead” and pass it with flying colors when you lack sleep. What with the dark circles going around your eyes. The tannin in tea bags reduces swelling and discoloration. The morning after, (when you realized what you’ve done and now regretting it), lie down and place one tea bag in each of your eyes, leave on for 10-15 minutes.
                                                                          Photo Credits

4.) Lastly – Cliche as it may sound, prevention is always better than cure so unless it’s not “between life and death” kind of important, don’t trade your sleeo for anything. We have 24 hours in a day. To work our butts off half of that number is fine, we owe it to ourselves to take a rest so we can replenish the energy we have lost.  I know a lot of people who are way too workaholic that their motto in life becomes “5 hours of sleep is enough, 8 hours – a waste”. This makes me sad really, I remember when we were young my mother always sends me to sleep (hoping to get the entire 8-hour routine target complete). And now I think I know why.

I guess I have to close by saying “take this advice from someone who was able to think of having this whole experience blogged”, just so I can warn you. I really felt nauseous this morning, but having done this tips made me feel a whole lot better…

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